"A pilot study: Periodontal risk factor screening tool for certified Di" by Holly Brawner

Date of Award

Spring 2021


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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene


Purpose: There is a bidirectional link between uncontrolled diabetes and untreated periodontal disease. Controlling periodontal infection plays an essential role in the overall management of diabetes. This study explored an interprofessional (IP) collaboration between Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES) and Dental Hygienists and the utility of a point of care Periodontal Screening Tool (PST) for CDCES to build confidence in informing their clients on periodontal disease risk factors and providing resources to seek dental care.

Methods: This pilot study used a pre-test post-test design where a survey was administered prior to CDCES participating in an Education and Training Module on the oral systemic link, periodontal risk factors, and instruction for the PST. A post-survey two weeks after module participation and use of the PST was administered with similar pretest items as well as qualitative items.

Results: Pre- and post-test scores for participants (n=4) in this pilot study suggests the use of the PST with an IP Education and Training Module resulted in the CDCES’ increased confidence in informing the patient about periodontal disease risk factors and providing resources to seek dental care. All of the CDCES (100%) reported using the Periodontal Screening Tool increased their confidence in recommending patient for dental care. Although, the sample size could not attain significance, findings support this pilot study is feasible.

Conclusion: An IP collaboration and Periodontal Screening Tool for CDCES could translate to individuals with poorly controlled diabetes seeing the dentist or dental hygienist for evaluation and treatment.
