"Heartbeat location assistance for electrocardiograms" by Sarah Bass

Date of Award



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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science


Computer Science


"The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the main source of heartbeat analysis throughout the medical community, due to the distinctive appearance of the QRS complex at the time of each beat. There are other signals that also exhibit distinctive patterns at the time of each heartbeat; however, the ECG is still the most prevalently used. Analyzing the ECG alone can be problematic because ECG data can be noisy. The noise often makes it appear as if the heartbeat is missing or that multiple beats occurred in quick succession. This research will analyze the association between a variety of signals and the ECG, and use those associations to predict heartbeat location with greater accuracy than just analyzing the ECG alone. After analyzing all 10 minutes of an ECG signal along with other signals such as Blood Pressure (BP) and Stroke Volume (SV), the goals of this research are: (1) Preprocess the data so that signals show clear shapes and noise is minimized; (2) Generate templates from the provided signals that correspond to a clear QRS complex in the ECG to provide information for what needs to occur in other signals in order for a beat to be annotated; (3) Compare these templates to test records and annotate beats where the templates are approximately matched. By achieving the stated goals this research will aid the medical community in determining the optimal type of template to use, and the number and type of signals required to locate beats with accuracy"--Leaf iv.
