Vysion Software

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Sanmeet Kaur

Presentation Type


Start Date

5-8-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

5-8-2024 10:45 AM



Primary Discipline of Presentation

Computer Science


This research project delves into the realm of assistive technology by utilizing the Flutter framework alongside modern computer vision AI models to develop innovative medical software. The primary objective is to empower individuals with visual impairments, specifically blind individuals, by providing them with a novel tool that enhances their perception of the world around them.

The motivation behind this work stems from the significant challenges faced by blind individuals in navigating their environment independently. Existing solutions often fall short in providing a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Hence, our research aims to bridge this gap by combining the versatility of the Flutter framework with cutting-edge computer vision AI models to create a robust and intuitive medical software solution.

The scope of this project extends to the development of a mobile application designed for blind users. The application employs real-time computer vision algorithms to analyze the user's surroundings, providing auditory feedback and descriptive information about the objects and scenes captured through the device's camera. The integration of Flutter ensures a seamless and responsive user interface, fostering a positive and user-friendly experience.

Methodologically, the research involves the implementation of state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms within the Flutter framework. The project employs rigorous testing methods, utilizing simulated and real-world scenarios to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of the developed medical software.

Preliminary findings showcase promising results in enhancing the perceptual capabilities of blind individuals. The software effectively identifies and describes objects, enabling users to navigate and comprehend their surroundings more independently. The positive impact on users' quality of life underscores the potential of this research in addressing a critical societal need.

Conclusions drawn from this work emphasize the significance of integrating Flutter and computer vision AI for creating accessible and empowering solutions for individuals with visual impairments. The intended impression is to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding assistive technologies and inspire further innovations in the intersection of mobile development and computer vision for societal betterment. Recommendations include continued refinement and expansion of the software, with an emphasis on user feedback and collaboration with the blind community to ensure inclusivity and user satisfaction.

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May 8th, 9:00 AM May 8th, 10:45 AM

Vysion Software


This research project delves into the realm of assistive technology by utilizing the Flutter framework alongside modern computer vision AI models to develop innovative medical software. The primary objective is to empower individuals with visual impairments, specifically blind individuals, by providing them with a novel tool that enhances their perception of the world around them.

The motivation behind this work stems from the significant challenges faced by blind individuals in navigating their environment independently. Existing solutions often fall short in providing a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Hence, our research aims to bridge this gap by combining the versatility of the Flutter framework with cutting-edge computer vision AI models to create a robust and intuitive medical software solution.

The scope of this project extends to the development of a mobile application designed for blind users. The application employs real-time computer vision algorithms to analyze the user's surroundings, providing auditory feedback and descriptive information about the objects and scenes captured through the device's camera. The integration of Flutter ensures a seamless and responsive user interface, fostering a positive and user-friendly experience.

Methodologically, the research involves the implementation of state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms within the Flutter framework. The project employs rigorous testing methods, utilizing simulated and real-world scenarios to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of the developed medical software.

Preliminary findings showcase promising results in enhancing the perceptual capabilities of blind individuals. The software effectively identifies and describes objects, enabling users to navigate and comprehend their surroundings more independently. The positive impact on users' quality of life underscores the potential of this research in addressing a critical societal need.

Conclusions drawn from this work emphasize the significance of integrating Flutter and computer vision AI for creating accessible and empowering solutions for individuals with visual impairments. The intended impression is to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding assistive technologies and inspire further innovations in the intersection of mobile development and computer vision for societal betterment. Recommendations include continued refinement and expansion of the software, with an emphasis on user feedback and collaboration with the blind community to ensure inclusivity and user satisfaction.