"Research Proposal: Housing and Food Insecurity Among College Students" by Alexandria Belen Coronado

Faculty Mentor

Lindsey Upton, PhD

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-21-2020


Sociology and Justice Studies


Food and housing insecurity are generally defined as when an individual faces uncertainty of being able to access adequate resources to fulfill healthy living needs (Gallegos, Ramsey, & Ong, 2014; Coleman-Jensen, Steffen, & Whitley, 2017). Often, we overlook places where food and housing insecurity are experienced, including across college campuses. Understanding food and housing insecurity across campus is important to better provide students with support services because their insecurity impacts employment and their success at college (The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, 2020; Desmond, & Gershenson, 2016). This study seeks to better understand the relationship between food and housing insecurity among students using existing data available at one Inland Northwest university and data that is found through conducting surveys that will be sent to students. Analysis will pay attention to those most likely affected by food and housing insecurity. With the results from this study, a more accurate depiction of what degree students are facing these issues can be found. By bringing this topic to light, the institution can take part in a dialogue that could foster new policy that better meets the needs of their students. New policy could be expanding current resources in place or determining new solutions.

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