Smokejumper Magazine, January 2020

Smokejumper Magazine, January 2020

National Smokejumper Association


Save a Billion $$ A Year--The New Fire Triangle; Guest Opinion: Defensible Space, A Catch-22; No Available Resources--It's Time to Review Biscuit Fire; On the Road to a National Wildfire Agency, Part 1; Odds and Ends; Oregon Wildfire Response; Smoke from Wildland Fires: Impacts to Public Health; Hey-Anyone Awake Out There?; If It Could Go Wrong, It Did; Blast from the Past; Some Observations on Firefighting in the 21st Century-Let's Not Nitpick Assumptions Here; Sounding Off from the Editor; Hawaii's Medical-Aid-In-Dying Law Eases Former Jumper's Anxiety; Off the List; 2019 NSA Scholarship Recipients; Smokejumper Folklore: 'You Know You're a Smokejumper If ...'; Anthology of a Reluctant Warrior; Mann Gulch 70th Anniversary; The Real Cost of Wildfires;