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This issue of The Pacific Northwest Forum contains the following articles:
A Special Issue of the Pacific Northwest Forum: Introducing the Guest Editor, by J. Williams T. Youngs
Guest Editor's Introduction: Exploring the Plateau, by Larry Cebula
The Centrality of Women in Plateau Culture, by Lillian A. Ackerman
Traditional Spokan Indian Religious Beliefs and Explanations of Congenital Birth Defects, by John Alan Ross
Saukamappee Remembers: Protohistoric Change in the Northwest, by Larry Cebula
British vs. American Fur Trade Relations in the Pacific Northwest: The Indian Perspective, by Larry Cebula
"They think us much beholden to them" Spokane House Report for 1822-1823, by Larry Cebula
Reminiscences of Nancy Wynecoop, by Nancy Wynecoop
Shadows and Light: Plateau Indian Photographs from the Turn of the Century, by Larry Cebula
"Going Back to the Dances..." An Interview with David BrownEagle, interview by James Robbins Jewell
"The Cowboys are Indians, The Indians are Cowboys": Plateau and Plains Indian Rodeo Riders in Literature, by Michael Allen
Publication Date
Eastern Washington University
Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections
Recommended Citation
Eastern Washington University, "Pacific Northwest Forum: Indians of the Columbia Plateau, January-October 1996, Second Series, Vol. 9, No. 1-2" (1996). Pacific Northwest Forum. 52.