Meeting Minutes, April 1998

National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors


Meeting to order.
Minutes from last session.
Legality of votes based on by-law concerns.
Exec Committee Meeting minutes review.
Treasury report, profit and loss, funds for reunion.
Base representation on board.
Call for annual financial reporting to membership.
Museum reports.
Cost estimates.
Use of membership roster.
Sharing space with NFSM.
Video Production Report.
Echo productions has been retained and production should be complete in Aug/Sept of 98.
Efforts to obtain Trimotor & equipment to film jumps. Short promo viewed.
Francis Lufkin memorial.
Org finance cost of NSA historical to be present.
Efforts to include a jump form a Trimotor.
Vision of the future.
25 items/issues brainstormed.
4 top ideas:.
1. base managers at board meetings.
2. NSA representation at local reunions.
3. encourage local get togethers.
4. Extend membership to Canadian jumpers.
NSA Products.
Display of products.
Call for expansion.
Cost vs sales analysis.
Web Page Report.
National Smokejumper Program Trouble for the future.
Informal discussion.
NSA By-law Changes.
Newsletter Report.
Reunion 2000.
Other subjects.