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Die Forelle/The Trout / Franz Schubert/poetry by C.F. Schubert
An Old Painting (Auf ein altes Bild) / Hugo Wolf/poetry by E. Morike
The Town (Die Stadt) / Franz Schubert/poetry by H. Heine
To Be Sung on the Water (Auf dem Wasser zu singen) / Franz Schubert/poetry by F. Stolberg
The WOunded on (Den Saerde) / Edvard Greig/poetry by A. Vinje
Canticle (Cantique) / Nadia Boulanger/poetry by M.Maeterlinck
We Shall Have Peace / Sergei Rachmaninoff/text by A. Chekov
The Bestiary (Le Bestiaire) / Francis Poulenc/poetry by G. Apollinaire
Performance Date
Spring 4-30-2018
Performance Type
Student Performance
Recommended Citation
McCord, Jillian and McCord, James, "Jullian McCord Graduate Recital" (2018). Music Performances - General Collection. Performance 522.