"C. Webb Coffee, flute, Sharlene Rivers, piano, assisted by Charlyn Bal" by C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers et al.

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C. Webb Coffee, flute, Sharlene Rivers, piano, assisted by Charlyn Balabanis, soprano, Roxann Jacobson, viola, Achilles Balabanis, 'cello, Ronald Jones, guitar, in a Faculty Artist Recital



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Download MLT0787 Program (78 KB)

Download MLT0788 Program (78 KB)


Sonata "Undine" / Carl Reinecke
Performers: C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers, Charlyn Balabanis, Roxann Jacobson, Achilles Balabanis, Ronald Jones

Three Songs for Soprano, Flute, Guitar, and Piano on poems by Richard Rackstraw / Paul Steg
Performers: C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers, Charlyn Balabanis, Roxann Jacobson, Achilles Balabanis, Ronald Jones

Chansons Madecasses / Maurice Ravel
Performers: C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers, Charlyn Balabanis, Roxann Jacobson, Achilles Balabanis, Ronald Jones

Cantilenae for Flute and Piano / Jack Fortner
Performers: C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers, Charlyn Balabanis, Roxann Jacobson, Achilles Balabanis, Ronald Jones

Trio pour Flute, Alto et Violoncelle / Albert Roussel
Performers: C. Webb Coffee, Sharlene Rivers, Charlyn Balabanis, Roxann Jacobson, Achilles Balabanis, Ronald Jones



Performance Date



Music Building Recital Hall


MLT0787; MLT0788




Pieces on MLT0787 and MLT0788

C. Webb Coffee, flute, Sharlene Rivers, piano, assisted by Charlyn Balabanis, soprano, Roxann Jacobson, viola, Achilles Balabanis, 'cello, Ronald Jones, guitar, in a Faculty Artist Recital
