"Ava C. Case Piano Scholarship Competition" by Paulette Miller, Jerry Minchinton et al.

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Ava C. Case Piano Scholarship Competition



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Piano Sonata Op. 31, No. 1, 1st Movement / Beethoven
Performer: Paulette Miller

Minuet from Sonatine / Ravel
Performer: Paulette Miller

Prelude No. 2 / Holby
Performer: Paulette Miller

Prelude Op. 34, No. 24 / Shostakovitch
Performer: Jerry Minchinton

Intermezzo Op. 118, No. 2 / Brahms
Performer: Jerry Minchinton

Sonata K. 333, 1st movement / Mozart
Performer: Jerry Minchinton

Sonata Op. 2, No. 1, 1st movement / Beethoven
Performer: Sue Harrison

Etude Op. 25, No. 2 / Chopin
Performer: Sue Harrison

Prelude and Fugue No. 5/ Bach
Performer: Sue Harrison

Sonata Op. 120, 3rd movement / Schubert
Performer: Sandra Greenwood

Partita in B flat: Courante / Bach
Performer: Sandra Greenwood

Adagio in B minor / Mozart
Performer: Sandra Greenwood

Partita in B flat: Menuet I, Menuet II / Bach
Performer: Kendall Andre

Concerto No. 1, 1st movement / Mendelssohn
Performer: Kendall Andre

Excursions No. 4 / Barber
Performer Kendall Andre

G major invention / Bach
Performer: Kathryn Minicozzi

Sonata K. 332, 1st movement / Mozart
Performer: Kathryn Minicozzi

Girl with the Flaxen Hair / Debussy
Performer: Kathryn Minicozzi

Sonata Op. 90, 2nd movement / Beethoven
Performer: Jacque Johnson

G major Sonata / Scarlatti
Performer: Jacque Johnson

Rondo in C / Bartok
Performer: Jacque Johnson



Performance Date



Showalter Auditorium


MLT0158; MLT0159




Pieces are split between MLT0158 and MLT0159

Ava C. Case Piano Scholarship Competition
