Geology Student Works | Geosciences | Eastern Washington University


Submissions from 2020


Geotechnical Engineering: Particle Size Distribution of Layered Glacial Lake Columbia and Ice Age Flood Deposits in Latah Valley, Spokane, WA, Aaron Cleveland and Kassie Allen


Chemical Weathering of Deposits from the 1980 Mount St. Helens Eruption and its Effect on Stream Water Chemistry, Darlene Gilroy and Dr. Carmen Nezat


Experiments to synthesize soft-sedimentary deformation and clastic dikes, Chelsi K. Howard


Impact of Compactive Effort on Soil Strength of Glacial Lake Columbia Soils, Alexander M. Navarra, Dwight Hendrickson, and Jaremy Shaw

Submissions from 2019


Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum Dry Unit Weight for Compaction of Interdisciplinary Science Center Soil, Rachel A. Lunstroth, Maria Camilla O'Toole, and Melissa Simbler

Submissions from 2015


The Origin of Xenoliths with Cumulus Textures Found Above the Subsurface Extension of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, Cassandra K. Hennings, Jennifer A. Thomson, and Michael L. Zientek


Origin of Enigmatic Rocks Located North of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, M. Christopher Jenkins, Jennifer A. Thomson, and Michael L. Zientek

Submissions from 2014


Geotechnical Engineering: Optimum moisture content for compaction of in situ soil at a residential construction site on Five Mile Prairie, WA., Natasha Garland Clark, Carly Sorensen, and Camie Bearup


Basalt Ring Formations of the Columbia River Plateau, Skye Schillhammer, Carly Sorensen, Ted Uecker, and Natasha Garland