
Jana Jaraysi

Date of Award

Spring 2024


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Document Type


Degree Name

Doctorate of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership




This study explores the effects of a year-long professional development program on higher education professionals, explicitly focusing on the Admissions and Registrar fields. While existing research has primarily concentrated on the connection between professional development and general Student Affairs roles, there continues to be a significant gap in understanding the distinct impact of such programs within the specialized roles of Admissions and Registrar professionals. This research seeks to address this gap by shedding light on how professional development initiatives shape the professional landscape within higher education. Using an exploratory qualitative case study approach, this research centers on analyzing one prominent leadership program, Program L, addressing the research question: what impact does one leadership program, Program L, have on Admissions and Registrar Professionals? By examining survey responses and conducting semi-structured interviews with participants from Program L’s first five cohorts, four overarching themes emerged: mentorship, assurance, network, and professional growth. These themes provide valuable insights into the impact of Program L on Admissions and Registrar Professionals who participated in the program. In an educational landscape where the significance of ongoing professional development is increasingly recognized, the findings revealed a positive impact on both individual professionals and their respective work environments. As higher education institutions strive to support professional development opportunities, this research contributes to the growing body of knowledge advocating for tailored programs that empower professionals to thrive in their roles and contribute meaningfully to advancing the field.

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