"Appendix 2 from "The impact of exposure to missionaries on the English" by Nicholas Larsen



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Appendix 2 from the article "The impact of exposure to missionaries on the English language proficiency and earnings of immigrants in the US", appearing in the International Journal of Manpower.


Appendix 2 contents:

Table A II. Descriptive statistics of the variables for foreign-born males

Table A III. Descriptive statistics of the variables for foreign-born females

Table A IV. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult males by origin country colonial heritage, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A V. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult females by origin country colonial heritage, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A VI. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult males by origin country colonial heritage: catholic missionary only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A VII. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult females by origin country colonial heritage: catholic missionary only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A VIII. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult males by origin country colonial heritage: protestant missionary only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A IX. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult females by origin country colonial heritage: protestant missionary only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A X. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult males, by origin country colonial heritage

Table A XI. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult females, by origin country colonial heritage

Table A XII. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult males, by origin country colonial heritage: catholic missionaries only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A XIII. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult females, by origin country colonial heritage: catholic missionaries only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A XIV. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult males, by origin country colonial heritage: protestant missionaries only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A XV. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult females, by origin country colonial heritage: protestant missionaries only, with interaction variables and year fixed effects

Table A XVI. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult males and females by origin country colonial heritage: without interaction variables and with year fixed effects

Table A XVII. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult females, by origin country colonial heritage: without interaction variables and with year fixed effects

Table A XVIII. Analysis of English Language proficiency among foreign-born adult males and females from former Spanish colonies excluding Mexican immigrants: with interaction variables and with year fixed effects

Table A XIX. Analysis of earnings among foreign-born adult males and females from former Spanish colonies excluding Mexican immigrants: with interaction variables and with year fixed effects

Table A XX. Analysis of English language proficiency among foreign-born adult males and females, with and without control for linguistic distance (LD)

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