Faculty Mentor

Rosalee Allan

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-16-2020


Health Services Administration


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020, a public health issue has been created that has the potential to significantly affect our view on society. Among the variety of preventative tactics to slow the spread of infection, there has been a suspension of childhood vaccination across the globe including among developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that governments suspend preventive vaccination programs briefly during the pandemic as of March 26th (Ray, 2020). As a result of this, there has been an impact on children's health and an increase in mortality rates. The purpose of this research paper is to address the concern of decreased infant and childhood vaccination rates, and the increase on mortality rates in developing countries. In Jharkhand, India, the year-round immunization program played a crucial role in reducing children’s mortality and the death rates of those under-five in the last decade (Ray, 2020). Without the vaccinations for measles, influenza, and other viruses, this will affect children's health, especially among developed countries with limited access to healthcare. It is essential to address this issue to prevent more loss in public health and for future preparation. To understand the impact and to avoid interruption of future vaccination programs during a pandemic, it is important to recognize the history of childhood vaccination in past epidemics and look at statistics of child mortality during outbreaks of the last decade.