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Physical Education, Health and Recreation


"Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a collection of symptoms or markers leading to a higher risk for health problems including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These markers include high blood pressure (BP), increased waist circumference (WC), high triglycerides, low HDL-C and increase glucose. Football players may be more at risk for developing MetS and other health problems due to the need for their large size, especially linemen. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the MetS markers as well as the relationship between WC and visceral fat depth and measured with an ultrasound. MetS markers and visceral fat depth were measured on 12 collegiate football players from an FCS team. Statistical analysis included Pearson correlation, simple regression and multiple regression. A statistically significant correlation was found between WC and visceral fat as well as SBP and DBP. Glucose had a significant correlation with both WC and triglyceride levels. There was also a statistically significant, positive relationship between visceral fat and WC."--Leaf iv.
