"Comparing the acute effects of elastic resistance bands on kinetics an" by Blake Baxter

Date of Award



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Document Type



Physical Education, Health and Recreation

First Advisor

Garth Babcock

Second Advisor

Wendy Repovich

Third Advisor

Theresa Martin


"Elastic resistance training is becoming very popular in the strength and conditioning realm and is used at the collegiate and professional levels for various sports. Elastic resistance training has been shown to increase the force, velocity, and power compared to traditional free weight movements. The purpose of this study was to determine if a specific loading condition could increase both kinetic and kinematic variables within a bench press. To test this, two loading conditions (15% and 25% of 1RM) were used and each resistance load was added to a base of 60% of 1RM free weights. Twelve recreationally trained male athletes participated. They were familiarized with the elastic resistance bands before measurements were taken. Each participant performed one set (three repetitions) at each specific intensity level. A GymAware analyzer measured the variables of force, velocity, and power during each full lift. A 2x3 repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine if there was a significant difference in force, velocity, and/or power between groups (p <̲ >05). Both mean velocity and mean force were significantly different between elastic resistance loads. Results indicated that neither elastic resistance intensity was more effective at increasing power output production than the other. The force and velocity relationship between the elastic resistance loads mimicked the expected free weight load outcome, lighter equals greater velocity and heavier greater force"--Document.


Typescript. Vita.
