"Service-learning and reflection in dental hygiene education" by Tiffany L. Finesilver

Date of Award



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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene


"Service-Learning (SL) is widely used in education today. Little is known about the use of SL pedagogy on dental hygiene students. SL in dental hygiene is an ideal teaching medium and use frequently; however, few studies have specifically studied if it is being done effectively. This study aimed to increase the knowledge available about SL in dental hygiene educational facilities and to discover if SL was being used appropriately in dental hygiene education. In order to accomplish this, the researcher first identified current definitions that educators have for SL classes and projects. Then, the SL programs/projects were evaluated for best practices. The goal was to create an environment in which positive growth and change can occur in dental hygiene education. The research was conducted by sending out a survey questionnaire to all dental hygiene program directors in the United States. The questionnaires were then sent to appropriate full-time faculty with experience in service-learning. This study generated a total of 94 responses. Email and SurveyMonkey® were the primary modes of communication and administration of the questionnaire. Results indicate that dental hygiene programs are performing better than average in conducting service-learning courses and reflection in dental hygiene education"--Document.


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