""Drunk and hot chick": the effects of stereotype-consistent priming on" by Tasia Duske

Date of Award



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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS) in Psychology: Clinical



First Advisor

Theresa Martin

Second Advisor

Amani El-Alayli

Third Advisor

Doris Munson


"Although members in social sororities and fraternities have historically been praised for contributing to the development of leadership skills and striving for excellence, they have also been the target of negative stereotypes and prejudice (Barlow, 1996; Wells & Corts, 2008). The present study examined the effects of stereotype-consistent priming on stereotypes regarding sorority and fraternity members by using a 2 (experimenter gender: male, female) x 3 (t-shirt priming condition: Greek letter/stereotype-confirming, Greek letter only, or plaint-shirt) between subjects design. It was proposed that study participants would provide the most negative evaluation of sorority and fraternity members when an evaluation of stereotypes is preceded by the Greek letter/stereotype- confirming prime. There was no predicted effect of gender. Participants primed with the Greek letters t-shirt reported the strongest stereotypes regarding Greek members drinking alcohol and having job networking opportunities. Additionally, participants primed with a female experimenter expressed strongest stereotypes of Greek members to be overly concerned with being physical attractive. Priming has an effect on an individual's evaluation of stereotypes towards sorority and fraternity members"--Document.


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