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Master of Arts (MA) in English: Teaching English as a Second Language
"In creating this thesis, the culmination of writings from teaching English composition to multilingual writers, contributed to my research. This action research study focuses on how to foster a media literacy approach when teaching multilingual writers. The literature focus unit was based on the biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder using the book, Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Photographic Story of a Life (Stone, 2009). The research conducted for this study took place during the winter quarter of 2015 within English 112, which is a composition class offered at Eastern Washington University (EWU) for multilingual writers. During this time, questionnaires, journal responses, student sample essays and assignments were collected. Within these pages, several student samples will be provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and importance of giving students an opportunity to express their voice through the use of media literacy . By honoring and preserving their culture they became active participants and were engaged within their learning. The goal of this study was to analyze and synthesize how media literacy can be fostered through a vast array of topics to assist the multilingual writer in gaining knowledge about U.S. history during the 19th and 20th century"--Leaf iv.
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Recommended Citation
Hansen, Kelly G., "Teaching the biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder: fostering a media literacy approach for multilingual writers" (2015). EWU Masters Thesis Collection. 289.
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Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, English Language and Literature Commons