Faculty Mentor

Rosalee Allan, FACHE

Document Type


Publication Date



Health Services Administration


Title: How Can "Super Bacteria" Be Stopped

One person dies in the United States every 15 minutes because of drug-resistant bacteria that have learned to overcome the most advanced antibiotics, according to a new report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Genetic research shows that germs have become particularly adept at teaching each other how to get rid of antibiotics. And that occurs when bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other microbes continuously change and evolve to ensure their survival. Some of them are highly adapted to medical treatment so that the medications that are usually used to prevent or kill them no longer work, and this is what creates "drug-resistant bacteria."

Antibiotic resistance is presumed to become one of the biggest health challenges worldwide in this century. The awareness of this problem is low, and the problem itself is not documented enough in the absence of a global data collection system. Furthermore, this study is intended to provide an overview of how these super bacteria are spread globally among people, in food commodities, animals and plants, and in the environment. The purpose of this study is to know how we can stop the super bacteria. Will it be stopped by adopting new strategies to keep germs and infections away from occurring in the first place? Is using fewer antibiotics is the key? Scientists aspire to find an alternative to the current antibiotics before one of these bacteria spreads significantly.


Sources for my abstract

https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0503-unnecessary-prescriptions.html https://youtu.be/4oukHcpQoXM

ABC World News With David Muir https://archive.org/details/WJLA_20160503_223000_ABC_World_News_With_David_Muir

Antibiotic resistance | MSF medical response. https://www.msf.org/antibiotic-resistance

New painkiller no better than older treatment, study says. https://www.statnews.com/pharmalot/2015/12/14/exparel-drug-costs-painkiller/