
The digital images were donated to Eastern Washington University Libraries by the National Smokejumper Association.
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Images were received as JPEGs. The EWU Archives and Special Collections cropped the photographs, performed color corrections, and added smokejumper names, base name, and logo in Adobe Photoshop.
A group picture of the crew for the Redding Smokejumper Base.
Back Row: (standing) Ken Perkins, Scott Brockman, Arlen Cravens, Rick Haagenson, Stan Kubota, Dan Hernandez, Russ Stauff, Dave Noble, Steve Bierman, Ron Omont, George Mason, John Decker, Tony Loughton, Carl Nebeker, Bob Richardson, Jeff Robinson, John Bald, Don Sand, Gary Sexton
Middle Row: (kneeling)Tim Huntington, Bob Harris, Dave Nani, Dan Arnold, Al Foley, Jerry Zumalt, Ken Mally, Brian Miller, Hank Falcon, Norm Baker, Andy Thorne
Front Row: (sitting) Jim Hansen, Steve Franke, Leo Wirachowsky, Scott Whitmire, Matt Beer, Jeff Dodd, Tim Quigley Not Pictured: Don Sterret, Chris Cochrane, Gary Robinson
Archives and Special Collections, Eastern Washington University Libraries.
Eastern Washington University has not been able to identify the copyright holder and considers this an orphan work. If you have information about the rights holder, please contact Eastern Washington University Libraries, Archives & Special Collections at (509) 359-2475.
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Smokejumping -- United States, Smokejumpers -- United States -- Redding (Calif.)