
University Photograph Collection - Groups & Activities (EWU-007-0582_04_18_06).
Document Type
Creation Date
Date Information
circa 1939
Physical Description
9.5" x 5" black and white print
Photograph of a play on stage at the auditorium of Martin Laboratory School. It is set on a farm with cardboard bushes and flowers in the background. In the middle of the stage, a boy in overalls stands with his arms stretched out and a girl in a nice dress stands next to him with her arms bent. To the left of them is a scarecrow and a large cardboard cutout of a watering can, behind which a girl stands with her arms bent like bird wings. Next to her is a boy dressed as a cowboy with a hoe and a girl lying on her stomach. On the right side of the image is a boy sitting in a wheelbarrow with one boy standing behind him, and another kneeling on the ground to the right.
Eastern Washington University Archives and Special Collections
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Martin Laboratory School (Eastern Washington University) -- Students, Eastern Washington College of Education, Theatrical productions, Theater